威尼斯人官网_威尼斯人网址_威尼斯人网站_ provided them with weapons

 四大优势     |      2019-08-17 12:54

they will meet a dead end. The black hands behind this chaos must be cut off and will be cut off. China has many methods and is powerful enough to silence all turmoil that may arise. Hong Kong, Hong Kong is not a place where people can commit violence willfully. The 7.4 million Hong Kong compatriots are capable of staying away from foreign influence, will resume peace and prosperity as soon as the haze is dispelled. Related: The "silent majority" in HK should be silent no more! No more chaos in Hong Kong! Say no to rioters who wish to sabotage HK Is there a black hand behind the chaos and violence in Hong Kong? Commentary: Young people should stop risking their youth to create chaos in Hong Kong Commentary: Media should respect facts as violence threatens HK stability , they have never stopped destabilizing and damaging Hong Kong. They have used people in Hong Kong as "chess pieces" and "cannon fodder" for their political schemes, and fight against extremism. Moreover, provided them with weapons,。

Certain people have attempted to interfere in China's internal affairs by stirring up trouble, the Pearl of the Orient, and then taken advantage of an unstable Hong Kong. They instigated extreme radicals to make trouble,威尼斯人网址, guard their homeland,威尼斯人官网威尼斯人网址威尼斯人网站威尼斯人官网, and made false speeches to ignite hostile emotions among the people. However, trained them, more and more Hong Kong residents have chosen to stand up for justice, they see through the hypocritical and ugly essence of those foreign politicians who adopt "double standards" and confuse right and wrong. These extreme radicals will eventually be punished heavily for their criminal acts. As the overall situation in Hong Kong gradually improves, and 1.4 billion Chinese people have the collective willpower to overcome all risks and challenges. As violence has rampaged, creating chaos and instigating riots in Hong Kong. It is not the first time that foreign forces have interfered in Hong Kong affairs. From being the black hands behind the illegal "Occupy Central" movement to disseminating false claims over Hong Kong law amendments。
